Visit to the Planetarium
17 August 2018

This Thursday, summer students from the Stralang Institute had the chance to visit the Strasbourg planetarium. This auditorium, topped with an 8 meter diameter dome, allows us to observe a projection of the starry sky as it is above our heads and to watch films on the theme of space.

This dark and seemingly infinite expanse has always fascinated the human race, because despite all the discoveries made to date, space still contains a multitude of secrets that remain to be discovered. This is why, at the observatory, which is right next to the planetarium, experts continue to scrutinize the heavens in search of truth.

The curious, on the other hand, had the opportunity to enrich their culture in what is today the only university planetarium in France. And that’s not all: the construction of a new planetarium, the dome of which will be twice as large, was decided by the University of Strasbourg. The best is yet to come.